Russel Caldwell wrote:
> Let me ask you this. What do you think a teacher needs to do to encourage
> students to work on there own, especially in computer science? One young
> programmer who impressed me very much said that the teacher should encourage
> play which I totally agree with. He said that there is too much emphasis on
> creating trivial programs to teach concepts and that students should be
> allowed to work on and improve more complex programs. I think he gave
> Microsoft XNA Game Studio as an example. What freesoftware tools and
> resources would you recommend along these lines?

If I wanted to teach computer science to beginners, I think on the first 
day I would let the class choose what they want to work on together for 
the first 2 weeks.  The first 2 weeks would be the first iteration.  It 
would start simple, like programming an existing robot, enhancing a 
game, etc.  Each iteration would do something more complex.  At the end 
of the semester, we'd have a robot that insults people passing in the 
hall and even tries to block them.  Oh the mayhem we could cause. :-)


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