On 09/16/2010 02:34 PM, Tod Hansmann wrote:
> A good rule of thumb might be that if you're talking to open source
> purists or linux users from a previous era, trim and bottom post.  For
> mixed audiences or just modern email users, they tend to keep track of
> their email conversations better with a top-posting environment for
> whatever reason (the speculation of which is less important than the
> fact that it is so).

I have noticed that in environments where face contact is frequent 
(employment and family, for example), top posting makes more sense.  In 
those contexts, it's almost always a bad thing to have a complex 
conversation over email, and top posting discourages everyone from 
having any sort of complex conversation.

I haven't even met most of the developers I work with, so I'm glad there 
is a more sophisticated way to use email.  Otherwise we'd hardly get 
anything done. ;-)


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