The $1 is because the very first thing they have to do is replace virtually
everything but the fiber because there has been essentially no hardware
upgrades since it was first built out about 10 years ago.  The estimated
cost is around $20 million or something like that.  Then they are extending
fiber to every house in the city for $30/house - estimated to be at least
$14 million.  And those who are already connected have to have the router
in the house replaced and that one will be for free since they are already

They are getting a good deal on the fiber and all the little buildings for
the neighborhood routers - that is what they get for $1.

On Sun, Apr 21, 2013 at 7:08 AM, Charles Curley <> wrote:

> How much will Google pay to bring fiber to Provo, Utah? Try $1
> Not a bad price for a $39m network build-out
> By Neil McAllister in San Francisco • Get more from this author
> Posted in Broadband, 19th April 2013 21:52 GMT
> Choosing the small city of Provo, Utah as the next location to receive
> Google's high-speed fiber internet service must have been a no-brainer,
> as the online giant will reportedly pay just $1 to set up shop in the
> area.
> That's in part because, unlike Kansas City and Austin, Texas before it,
> Google won't actually need to build out its own fiber network in Provo,
> the Associated Press reports.
> Instead, the Chocolate Factory will take over operations of iProvo, an
> existing municipal fiber network that has provided internet, telephone,
> and television service to area residents since 2006.
> Of course, if it's in El Reg, it must be true.
> --
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