Look on dice.com.
Be willing to work any where.
I know a while back there was a LAMP job in SandPoint, ID.
It stayed on the job boards forever.  I guess no one was willing to move to
SandPoint, ID.  Right?

On Thu, Mar 8, 2018 at 6:05 PM, Alpheus Madsen <alpheus.mad...@gmail.com>

> I've been looking for work for a few months now.  In times past, I have
> been able to readily find plenty of positions to apply to; this time
> around, I've felt like I've had to struggle to find positions to apply to;
> some weeks, I feel like I'm scraping the bottom of a barrel.
> Perhaps part of it is my skillset -- PHP, MySQL and JavaScript, some
> Python.  I have the impression that PHP is being phased out (I'd like to
> say "good riddance", but, hey, that's where my experience is!) but even
> then, I'd expect to see more positions.
> I talked with a recruiter this afternoon, and she says that the job market
> is actually pretty good.  I'm not getting that sense, though.  Is it just
> my imagination?  Am I not looking hard enough, or looking in the wrong
> places?  (Mostly KSL Jobs, Stack Overflow Jobs, some LDS and BYU Jobs
> boards, and some Indeed and other miscellaneous places...)  Or is there a
> little bit of a malaise in the job force right now?
> I thought it would be a good idea to get a reality check on this...
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