I am anxious to see if I can get this running on my ePods
(http://www.geocities.com/epodsfiles/index.html), which runs WinCE
V2.11 (very old) on a MIPS CPU.  Currently, I run a version of the
handheld skin (you developed that, didn't you?) which I have made some
mostly cosmetic modifications to so that it takes advantage of the
large screen and many colors supported on the ePods ... it looks great,
but Internet Explorer (V4) performance on the ePods is very poor ... I
am curious to see how this compares.

I tried installing the MIPS version of Ewe, it installed but wouldn't
run (getting the "Cannot find Ewe or one of its components" error). 
I've posted a question on the Ewe forum to see if I might be able to
get this working.  If I do, I'll let you know how it looks/works!

Does SlimRemote use the SlimServer settings for
album/artist/compilation behavior?  I tried it out on my PC, it worked
fine but seemed to be showing me all artists on compilation albums even
though I have SlimServer set to group compilation albums together and
list albums by band (and have the "compilation" tag set in my WMA

Jon's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2848
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=22065

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