Unrelated I guess, but--

I did notice on album covers that I have real high res images in the
tags (like my Iron Maiden tracks)..if the resolution is higher than
600x600, they look silly in the albumreview, so I have changed line 17
to the following

[% IF albumimages %]<img src="/music/[% albumimages %]/thumb.jpg"
border="0" align="right" height="200">[% END %]

basically, I just added the height="200" tag, so it forces the image
down to that size, makes for a nicer read, you could probably even make
it 300, since thats kinda the standard on album art..but I perfer this
so the text wraps underneath in most reviews...and its not a tiny
cover..also not sure if you need to the width="200" tag either, I
figure it'll resize to proportion.

I love this plugin.

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