This is for those of you who might have used the v1.4.0 or v1.4.1
version of the iTunes Update plugin which accidently set ratings on a
scale of 1-10 rather than 1-100.

I've moved to the current 6.5 SVN trunk with a MySQL back-end and this
has allowed me to easily see that I have still have some tracks with
low ratings (2, 4, 6, 8, 10 rather than 20, 40, 60, 80, 100). 

I'm guessing this is hangover from this iTune Update issue.

The good news is that it's easy to fix your library...

This SQL snippet:
> select
> concat(CONVERT(t.title USING latin1),"|",
> convert( using latin1),"|",
> convert(a.title using latin1),"|",
> replace(replace(replace (t.url,'file:///',''),'%20',' '),'/','\\'),
> "|rated|20060630223000|",
> t.rating*20) as iTunes_Hist_entry,
> t.rating as incorrect_rating
> from tracks t
> left outer join contributor_track ct
> on = ct.track
> left outer join contributors c
> on ct.contributor =
> left outer join albums a
> on t.album =
> where rating < 10
> and ct.role = 1
> order by t.rating;
Will generate a list of entries that you can just paste into your
iTunes_Hist.txt file and then run the script to fix
your iTunes library.

The script is pretty quick and dirty so you might need to scan the
output for weirdness like encoded characters (eg %20) which need
'fixing' before the import will work.

I'd like to express my thanks to James for this great plugin - it's so
useful to have my ratings in sync across both systems.

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