I read that 1.8 supported 6.5+ and by that assumed that it also 
supported the latest 7.0 nightly. My bad... Without modifying the
WeatherTime 1.8 plugin.pm file I installed it on my 7.0 installation.
Now WeatherTime fails to start with an error in the log pasted below.
Does this version work on 7.0 without any modifications to the .pm
file?... Should I go back to 1.7 using my modified .pm?


ERROR: Undefined subroutine &Slim::Utils::Misc::timeF called at
C:\Program Files\SlimServer\server/Plugins/WeatherTime/Plugin.pm line

ERROR: Backtrace follows:


frame 0: Slim::Schema::throw_exception
(/PerlApp/DBIx/Class/Schema.pm line 606)
frame 1: DBIx::Class::Schema::txn_do (C:\Program
Files\SlimServer\server/Slim/Schema/Playlist.pm line 46)
frame 2: (eval) (C:\Program
Files\SlimServer\server/Slim/Schema/Playlist.pm line 39)
frame 3: Slim::Schema::Playlist::setTracks
(/PerlApp/Slim/Player/Playlist.pm line 752)
frame 4: Slim::Player::Playlist::modifyPlaylistCallback
(/PerlApp/Slim/Control/Request.pm line 1629)
frame 5: Slim::Control::Request::notify
(/PerlApp/Slim/Control/Request.pm line 742)
frame 6: Slim::Control::Request::checkNotifications (slimserver.pl
line 463)
frame 7: main::idle (slimserver.pl line 35)
frame 8: PerlSvc::Startup (perlsvc.pl line 1482)
frame 9: PerlSvc::_startup (slimserver.pl line 0)
frame 10: (eval) (slimserver.pl line 0)

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