Phil Meyer;139687 Wrote: 
> 1. When I click Custom Browse -> Libraries -> Phil's Music, the
> breadcrumb trail reads "Custom Browse  / Libraries  / Library".
I suspect you would like it to say "Custom Browse / Libraries / Phil's
Music" ?
I made it this way mainly for performance reasons. It works the same in
all menus, the breadcrumb only shows the "type of menu" you clicked on
last and not the actual value/text. It would be possible to also show
the actual value/text but that required more work and potentially
performance issues, so I choosed this more static solution to start
with. The text "Library" can of course be replaced with some other text
if you have more appropriate suggestion.

At the moment I can only see the following solutions:
1. That both all parent menus SQL's plus the current menu SQL is
executed on each click. This will probably result in performance
2. That a separate SQL has to be configured in the xml file. This would
make it fast but would make the configuration more complex. In the part
of the Libraries menu you are refering to it might be simplier to solve
the problem but the issue would still exist in the other menus.

None of these solution feels good, so thats also why it works as it
does today. It might be possible to do some caching of the information,
the problem is just that the cache has to be per client/web browser
which makes it a little more complicated. Any ideas for solutions that
would be fast and still easy to configure is appreciated. 

Phil Meyer;139687 Wrote: 
> 2. When I view artists for a chosen library and click P for the artists
> beginning with P, it takes me to a page that begins half way through
> "N" artists, and only has a few P artists at the bottom.  To see the
> rest of the "P" artists, I have to click on the "Q" page link, which
> shows most of the "P" artists, with a few "Q" artists at the bottom of
> the page.  It seems to me that a page link should have all of the
> artists starting with that letter on that page, so if grouping some
> letters together on a page, all of the artists for those letters should
> appear on that page.
I just had a look at the standard slimserver pages and they seems to
work as you say. I will put an item on the wish list to get the same
behaviour in Custom Browse.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat'
, 'SQLPlayList'
, 'DynamicPlayList'
'Custom Browse'
and 'RandomPlayList'
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