moletteuk wrote: 
> I'm not very technically minded and have a mortal fear of messing with
> the Nas4free setup.  I will confess I happened to reset the clock on the
> Nas4free yesterday, not sure if that could possibly mess things up.

It sounds like by changing the plugin default settings you have created
an incompatible configuration (I.e.forcing Extra to play Flash which is
no longer available on BBCiPlayer Live or Listen Again ) .

AFAIK Nothing happened yesterday that should have stopped yourBBC
iplayer 1.3 from working - so I'm guessing something else (i.e. non BBC
or BBCiplayer plugin)  happened on your system and by installing new
version and hten chaging settings - you have added more problems.

You need to provide more details on your .
1. What sort of player are you using ?
2. Can you play AAC streams without problems (e.g. ) 
3. What are the current settings of BBCiPlayer and BBCiPlayerExtra

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