However, the problem that this leads me to is when there is more than
one device playing the same station (but the devices are not Synched)
then I discard call-backs for one of the devices (because I know that I
already have a timer set for later for the station) ... which means that
when my other timer does expire then only one device is updated.
I guess I could run around all of the devices to see if any are playing
the same station and push the same update to them - but is there a
better way?

What I usually do is store the data in a cache, independent from the client. And I store a flag somewhere telling me whether a lookup is being processed. If I get a second request while the first is still processing, I'd tell the second one to try again later. Or I send it back without any new data, letting it update when I send the newmetadata notification. Would that work?


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