MillmoorRon;158418 Wrote: 
> I used to have my singles (and respective b-sides etc) tagged with the
> title of the single in the ALBUM field but I didn't want to have a list
> of singles when I was browsing by album so I made the album field blank.
> I did however want to keep this information so I put it in a custom tag
> SINGLE. (I also have loads of odd songs that don't belong anywhere
> which have both fields blank.) 
> The "Custom Tag Singles" template goes straight into a list of songs
> without first listing the singles to which they belong. It makes sense to 
> have it as you have done, I think I will add that as
an option to the "Custom Tag Singles" template.
MillmoorRon;158418 Wrote: 
> Editing my custom file I noticed that when it gets down to track level
> there is a
> <playtype>all</playtype>
> I removed this and now it plays just the selected track.
> Is this OK to do or are there other implications I have yet to notice?Your 
> changes are correct, if the playtype "all" element exists it will
play all tracks, if it does not exist it will just play the selected


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat'
, 'SQLPlayList'
, 'DynamicPlayList'
'Custom Browse'
and 'RandomPlayList'
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