Hey atlslim,

I have experienced this a couple of times myself, but have been unable
to reproduce it.  (I've only seen it twice and could not reproduce it
even with your detailed steps.)

I've updated the attachment in the original post which now includes
improved error handling in the "retrieve station play URL" code. 
Hopefully, this will solve the problem.

I've also updated the code that determines which client is logged into
XM.  This should prevent the "already logged in through client..."
problem from occurring.  This will at least provide a mechanism for
resetting the hanging client from the web interface (saving you from
having to bounce the server).

Also, am I correct in assuming that this version of the plugin works in
transcoding mode (since you're using it with an SB1)?  It would be nice
to know since I haven't been able to test this capability myself.

Let me know if these patches help at all.

Joe Bob
Joe Bob's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7361
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=29867

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