I have always found the gharris SrvrPowerCtrl plugin to be extremely
useful. However, it no longer appears as an option on the main plugin
screens and my attempts to link to various repositories has not led to
success at automatic installation. I have, in the past,  managed to
install it manually, by painstaking trial and error, on a few LMS
installations but my latest attempts to get it on a new piCorePlayer
installation on a Raspberry Pi3 have been unsuccessful, often leading to
a complete snarl-up of LMS. Fortunately, SAMBA shares now allow a
retrieval of the situation by facilitating the deletion offending

However, I see that SrvrPowerCtrl now appears as a forked link to the
Ralph Irving github repository. Is it possible to summon an automatic
install from there? Adding the following:


to the LMS plugin repository list gets me nowhere - not too

If anyone can help with this I'd be most grateful. piCorePlayer has
developed so well in recent years that it is now the basis of many of my
Squeezebox Players, as well as my back-up and Roaming Squeezebox
servers. It would really be good to get SrvrPowerCtrl back on to all the
servers again.

Many thanks to the pCP team for their excellent work and, in advance,
for any help in resolving this.


ChipMonk's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=40072
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=107985

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