Michael, I have just noticed an issue with the Connect feature.  This
may have existed in previous versions, I'm not sure.  I'm running Spotty
2.1.1 and LMS 7.9.1 on a Synology DS414.  FYI it appears to now be
necessary for me to enable "Don't announce Squeezebox players" in the
Advanced settings to get my SB players to show up in the Spotify App.

Here are the issues I am seeing:
1. Play a playlist from the Spotify app.  Pause music from LMS Web UI
(Spotify App shows music as paused).  Play music from LMS Web UI (Music
starts playing, but Spotify App does not update status... still shows as
paused.)  If I wait till the end of the song, the next song starts
playing and then the Spotify App updates status correctly at this point.
This behavior is OK, as it is able to recover... but not ideal since
the Spotify App is in an incorrect state until the next song starts

2. Play a playlist from the Spotify app.  Next, I run a script which
calls the SB CLI to do the following (among other things)... Pauses the
music, call "playlist save" CLI command, play a Google TTS audio alert,
wait until alert stops playing, call the "playlist resume" CLI command. 
Again, the spotify music starts playing, but the Spotify App does not
update the status... still shows as paused.  However, this time if I
wait till the end of the song, the next song in the Spotify playlist
does not start playing.  Perhaps this is an issue with the "playlist
resume" and "playlist save" CLI functionality when using remote streams,
but I never noticed this before.  Any thoughts or suggestions?

Thanks for taking the time to read this, and for all of your great work
on this plugin.

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