On Wed, 29 Nov 2006 13:58:26 -0800, Jack Coates wrote:
> Slimscrobbler 0.37.1, Slimserver 6.5.1 2006-11-13 nightly, all that is
> logged is Not a SCALAR reference at
> /usr/local/slimserver/Slim/Networking/Select.pm line 274 (regardless
> of --d_plugins logging).
> I know it's Slimscrobbler because removing Slimscrobbler makes it stop
> happening :)

I just had the same problem. I think it had to do with the fact that I had the 
plugin enabled, but I temporarily turned off auto submission (I was gone on 
business for a week.) During that time, many many songs had built up since my 
daughter was using her squeezebox. For some reason, the scrobbler plugin 
didn't like that.

Finally, I discovered the temporary files holding the pending songs. From the 
source (Scrobbler/Session.pm):

        # Pending song file lives in temp directory. Something like this:
        # "c:\temp\PendingSongList_userid.txt"
        # or
        # "/tmp/PendingSongList_userid.txt"

Once I got rid of those temp files, I was able to turn song submission back 

Perhaps the temp files were holding too many songs for the plugin to handle?

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