I tested the 0.9.9 helper application and the control does work again
(from iPhone app).
The only thing which is not working is to jump to a position within a
track (don't know if this has worked before).
Discovery is also enabled in my setup, so I can see all players even
when there is another account from my family active.

Setup of LMS server:
> Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.1 - 1519287262 @ Thu Feb 22 09:19:21
> CET 2018
> Hostname: home
> IP-Adresse des Servers: x.x.x.x
> Server-HTTP-Portnummer: 9000
> Betriebssystem: Red Hat - DE - utf8
> Plattformarchitektur: x86_64-linux
> Perl-Version: 5.16.3 - x86_64-linux-thread-multi
> Audio::Scan: 0.95
> Datenbankversion: DBD::SQLite 1.34_01 (sqlite
> Anzahl erkannter Player: 4

> [18-03-02 16:06:57.7238] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::_connectEvent (230)
> Got called from spotty helper: start
> [18-03-02 16:06:57.7254] Plugins::Spotty::API::_call (1307) Trying to
> read from cache for me
> [18-03-02 16:06:57.7260] Plugins::Spotty::API::_call (1316) API call:
> me
> [18-03-02 16:06:57.7287] Plugins::Spotty::API::_call (1316) API call:
> me/player
> [18-03-02 16:06:57.9550] Plugins::Spotty::API::__ANON__ (1361) Caching
> result for 60 using max-age (https://api.spotify.com/v1/me)
> [18-03-02 16:06:57.9561] Plugins::Spotty::API::__ANON__ (1363) Data
> cached (https://api.spotify.com/v1/me)
> [18-03-02 16:06:57.9644] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::__ANON__ (266) Got a
> new track to be played: spotify:track:5kjGqo3AEmALOpWkyWTR5w
> [18-03-02 16:06:57.9722] Plugins::Spotty::API::_call (1307) Trying to
> read from cache for me
> [18-03-02 16:06:57.9730] Plugins::Spotty::API::_call (1310) Returning
> cached data for me
> [18-03-02 16:06:57.9738] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::getNextTrack (109)
> Don't get next track as we got called by a play track event from spotty
> [18-03-02 16:06:57.9757]
> Plugins::Spotty::Plugin::purgeAudioCacheAfterXTracks (432) Played 5
> song(s) since last audio cache purge.
> [18-03-02 16:06:58.0075]
> Plugins::Spotty::Plugin::purgeAudioCacheAfterXTracks (432) Played 6
> song(s) since last audio cache purge.
> [18-03-02 16:06:58.0512] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::_onPause (187) Got a
> stop event within 5s after start of a new track - do NOT tell Spotify
> Connect controller to pause
> [18-03-02 16:07:13.0008] Plugins::Spotty::Plugin::purgeAudioCache (446)
> Starting audio cache cleanup...
> [18-03-02 16:07:13.0013] Plugins::Spotty::Plugin::purgeAudioCache (500)
> Starting temporary file cleanup...
> (/var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/spotty)
> [18-03-02 16:07:13.0023] Plugins::Spotty::Plugin::purgeAudioCache (520)
> Audio cache cleanup done!
> [18-03-02 16:07:19.6878] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::_connectEvent (230)
> Got called from spotty helper: change
> [18-03-02 16:07:19.6896] Plugins::Spotty::API::_call (1307) Trying to
> read from cache for me
> [18-03-02 16:07:19.6904] Plugins::Spotty::API::_call (1310) Returning
> cached data for me
> [18-03-02 16:07:19.6917] Plugins::Spotty::API::_call (1316) API call:
> me/player
> [18-03-02 16:07:19.8424] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::__ANON__ (260) Got a
> change event, but actually this is a play next track event
> [18-03-02 16:07:19.8429] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::__ANON__ (266) Got a
> new track to be played: spotify:track:7yMDkzopgVuLS4rXVA5swP
> [18-03-02 16:07:19.8529] Plugins::Spotty::API::_call (1307) Trying to
> read from cache for me
> [18-03-02 16:07:19.8537] Plugins::Spotty::API::_call (1310) Returning
> cached data for me
> [18-03-02 16:07:19.8542] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::getNextTrack (109)
> Don't get next track as we got called by a play track event from spotty
> [18-03-02 16:07:19.8560]
> Plugins::Spotty::Plugin::purgeAudioCacheAfterXTracks (432) Played 1
> song(s) since last audio cache purge.
> [18-03-02 16:07:19.9013] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::_onPause (187) Got a
> stop event within 5s after start of a new track - do NOT tell Spotify
> Connect controller to pause
> [18-03-02 16:07:29.1075] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::_connectEvent (230)
> Got called from spotty helper: stop
> [18-03-02 16:07:29.1090] Plugins::Spotty::API::_call (1307) Trying to
> read from cache for me
> [18-03-02 16:07:29.1097] Plugins::Spotty::API::_call (1310) Returning
> cached data for me
> [18-03-02 16:07:29.1108] Plugins::Spotty::API::_call (1316) API call:
> me/player
> [18-03-02 16:07:29.2674] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::__ANON__ (308)
> Spotify told us to pause, but current player is no longer the Connect
> target

pilot000's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=8315
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108561

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