Simon_rb wrote: 
> What would you suggest the best way is to resizing/compressing the album
> art? This is AirPlayed straight from Apple Music using an iPhone. 
> Cheers

You can try to comment out the line notifyUpdate of artwork to confirm
this is the issue. It's in plugin .pm, around line 1025, you should see
something like

  elsif ( $req->header( 'Content-Type' ) eq "image/jpeg" ) {
                                my $metaData = $conn->{metaData};
  my $host = Slim::Utils::Network::serverAddr();
                                my $url  = "http://$host:$conn->{iport}/" . 
md5_hex($req->content) . "/cover.jpg";
                                $metaData->{cover} = $url;
                                $metaData->{icon} = $url;
                                $conn->{cover} = $req->content;
                                $log->debug( "IMAGE DATA received, sending to: 
", $url );
                                notifyUpdate($conn->{player}, $metaData);

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