ButC wrote: 
> Now I've had the chance to test the Connect feature on Windows a bit.
> I'm experiencing a few glitches. Starting a playlist from the Android
> Spotify app using Connect by selecting my device starts the playlist
> fine but every now and then a song stops in the middle and I have to
> restart it. At one time a song in the playlist started without sound and
> when I used skip the next song started as it should, with sound... But
> what's more of a problem is that at least every other time I wake the
> screen on my phone with the fingerprint reader the currently playing
> song stops and when I restarts it it starts from the beginning. The last
> played song in the log is an example of that (after it having been
> stopped by the fingerprint reader waking the screen, I restarted the
> song and then had a little trouble manually trying to pause it so there
> are three or four attempts to manually pause at the absolute end of the
> log).

Pause is known to be unreliable at the moment. I have never seen the
issue with the fingerprint reader on my S5.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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