Thought I'd update this with the set of voice commands (including
alternatives that the Google AIY hears.
Remember though this is for the Google AIY Voice Kit (which you could
probably get to run on a Raspberry Pi with a USB Mic instead of the
Google hardware).

It is a hack based on the original AIY kit so would need to be re-done
if using the updated software from Google (which I might do if there was
enough interest).

  {"command":"pause",     "spokenregexp":"pause|paws|pose|pools" },
  {"command":"mute",      "spokenregexp":"mute|moot|moat|silence" },
  {"command":"unmute",    "spokenregexp":"unmute|noise" },
  {"command":"next",      "spokenreqexp":"next|skip" },
  {"command":"previous",  "spokenregexp":"previous|back" },
  {"command":"resume",    "spokenregexp":"resume|play" },
  {"command":"stop",      "spokenregexp":"stop|halt" },
  {"command":"poweron",   "spokenregexp":"(?:power|switch) 
on","helptext":"Power On" },
  {"command":"poweroff",  "spokenregexp":"(?:power|switch) 
off","helptext":"Power Off" },
  {"command":"volumeup",  "spokenregexp":"volume up|increase 
volume|louder","helptext":"Louder" },
  {"command":"volumedown","spokenregexp":"volume down|decrease 
volume|quieter","helptext":"Quieter" },
"spokenregexp":"favo(?:u|)rite(?:s|)","helptext":"Favorite" },
  {"command":"turntable", "spokenregexp":"turn(?: |)table|record 
(?:player|deck)","helptext":"Record Player" },
  {"command":"playing",   "spokenregexp":"what(?: i|\\')s playing(?:\\?|)|what 
song is this(?:\\?|)","helptext":"What is playing?" }

"spokenregexp" is a regex to match the spoken words
"command" is what it maps to - it is converted into LMS commands later
in the processing
"helptext" if specified is used to tell the user the list of available
commands (if not present then the "command" is used) when given request
is not recognised

As an example ... saying:
OK Google ... Squeezebox Favorite 4
will (in my case) play BBC Radio 4
OK Google ... Squeezebox Record Player
will issue a:
playlist play wavin:sysdefault:CARD=CODEC
which will start streaming from the turntable (in the other room) ...
not entirely practical but fun.

Paul Webster
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