Yes - I got the old Spotty login page in LMS and in Spotify Connect I
saw "Transporter" (as opposed to LMS - connect before) and Spotify
instantly connected and played the music from Spotify. Spotty search
from the Transporter also works.

Are you saying that after creating that spotty-custom link Spotty started to work?

What does "ln -s spotty spotty-custom" mean exactly?

"ln -s" creates a symbolic link to a file. In this case it's creating a directory called spotty-custom which would actually point to spotty. I asked you to do so because Spotty would prefer "spotty-custom" over any other. Followed by spotty-muslhf, spotty-hf, and spotty. As the first two had some problems, I hoped the last one might work. It's built for armv5 - an older CPU architecture, slower (no hard-float), but probably the most compatible. By creating that link I told Spotty to use the helper last in the priority list.

I wonder whether I should have some setting to override Spotty's default priorities...


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