Tapaballou wrote: 
> Hello Martin,
> I know that my platform PowerPC with DS213+ is a bit exotic, but it
> would be fantastic if you could provide a version of your package for
> this NAS as you have done in the past. Then I could also
> survive the next wave of DSM 6.2 which will come next. I do not think
> that Synology will provide new beta versions for this platform. Actually
> I am actually running the last version 7.9.1-166 of Synology.
> Thanks for your work until now!
Hi Tapaballou,

I'm running the 6.2 beta and this version is even available for DSx11
series. So, I would not worry about your DS213+. That will still be
supported for a couple of years. 
Yes, the DS213+ is a bit exotic, but so are monaco and comcerto2k :-)

I added the PPC package to Sourceforge but unfortunately they have some
issues. Somehow the link of the package is not created. May be later
this evening. If not, I'll retry tomorrow. 



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