One thing I'm missing is the ability to announce groups/synchronized
players as one Spotify Connect device.

Right now i have 3 players, and they are all synchronized. The LMS ui
shows me them as "Foo, Bar, Baz", it would be great if Spotty would
auto-detect the groups and announce them separately from the individual
players, and only announce individual players if they are not
synchronized. That would (in my case), give me one Spotify Connect
device, "Foo, Bar, Baz", with only one helper process, instead of "Foo",
"Bar", and "Baz", with 3 helper processes.

You should be able to achieve this using the Groups plugin. Spotty requires the target to be a player object. Regular sync groups aren't such objects, but just attributes to the individual player.

I know I can disable announcing of individual players in the Spotty
settings, and that's a workaround (disable all but one of the players in
the group), but having Spotty recognize synchronized players would be an
even better solution :) Thanks!

Maybe I could do something by dynamically restarting daemons as devices get synced... Hmm...


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