pippin wrote: 
> The NowPlaying screen doesn’t have these controls.
> On the iPad the main view for the current playlist is on the main
> screen, you can open it by tapping the playlist icon in the top right or
> by swiping it in from the right.
> The whole NowPlaying screen on iPad is meant more like a screen saver or
> something to look at passively, all functionality is accessible directly
> from the main screen.

I had this same question today and couldn't intuitively find where to do
this on my ipad-took some playing around.  I prefer the iPhone UI/UX vs.
the ipad in this case -> is it possible to add the clear playlist
trashcan to the playlist on now playing screen (at least to the screen
when you slide right to see the current queue list)?  You can already
rearrange the current queue and delete individual tracks on that screen
already, it would feel more natural to clear the entire playlist from
there as well like the iPhone UI allows, vs. getting out of that and
hitting the playlist icon and then the trashcan.  Maybe because I use my
ipad in a dock in portrait?  Maybe an option to force the iphone UI?

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