mherger wrote: 
> If this is the time the Spotify app seems to be ahead of Spotty 
> playback, then please see the announcement. It's something I'm aware of,
> but can't change.

I understand that there will always be some delay, I was just wondering
of the ways to make it as small as possible. I measure this delay
between the time when I hit play button in Spotify UI (on phone or
laptop) and the time when music actually starts to play.

mherger wrote: 
> I guess that device is using a larger buffer than a standard
> squeezelite. There's a new option in Spotty to optimize pre-buffering.
> It can improve the situation, but might still cause issues under certain
> circumstances. Give it a try and see whether it improves your
> experience.
The option "Optimize Pre-Buffering" didn't seem to change anything. I
launch squeezelite using -a 80:32:32:1 option on SA RP device, could
that be a problem?

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