I got this skin to work, very nice, thanks hephepphepp!

I did find installing it a bit confusing. Installing it via the plugin
page didn't seem to work.
The logging showed a timeout on the url.

Then I wanted to install it by hand, but the instructions were a bit
I tried to follow these:

>    1. Download release.zip from
> https://github.com/molobrakos/lms-mobileskin/releases/latest
> 2. Check on the information-page in the LMS-settings for your
> plugin-folders
> 3. Copy (or symlink) the m/ directory to server skin directory (e.g.
> /usr/share/squeezeboxserver/HTML/m) Example
> cp -a m /usr/share/squeezeboxserver/HTML/m
> 4. Restart LMS

I didn't understand why I had to determine the plugin-folder, while the
next step says to copy it to a HTML folder.
But then I disovered the HTML folder is one directory up from the plugin

This is what I ended up doing:
1. Download and extract the zip file.
2. Copy only the "m" folder, found in the "HTML" folder from the zip
file to the LMS html folder, which is one directy up from the plugin
So, when your plugin folder is:
Then the HTML folder is:

After doing this, the mobile skin was accessible by typing "m" behind
the URL of the LMS management page.

By the way, we had the same idea at (roughly) the same time. I too
wanted a web-based LMS controller, as I wanted it to be OS independent.
But, I didn't know that LMS supported skins, and if I would have known,
I wouldn't have had the skills to build one. :D

I did have some (beginner) skills in Angular, so I build my own page to
control LMS. When I presented my work to the slimdevices forum here
(search for SqueezeWebRemote if interested), people pointed me to this
skin.. :o
Anyway, I will add a link to your github project on my SqueezeWebRemote
webpage, so people know there is an easier solution.

Again, hephepphepp: thank you for your work!

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