Server is QNAP T-112P, OS 4.2.4

[18-10-06 09:16:56.8555] Slim::Utils::PluginDownloader::extract (102)
error loading Archive::Zip Compress::Raw::Zlib object version 2.021 does
not match bootstrap parameter 2.033 at

Ok, that's a well known issue with QNAP. Please search the forum for zlib. You'll have to remove some file from the installation.

[18-10-06 09:17:08.4482] Slim::Networking::Repositories::get (137)
Falling back to plain text http lack of IO::Socket::SSL:
Async::HTTP: Unable to load IO::Socket::SSL, will try connecting to SSL
servers in non-SSL mode

You might consider running LMS on a Raspberry Pi or similar. It's much easier to keep up to date and well supported. IO::Socket::SSL becomes more and more important for all kinds of features, as services tend to no longer accept non-encrypted connections.


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