mherger wrote: 
> >    [18-10-07 15:11:13.9504] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::__ANON__ (198)
> Got a new track to be played next: spotify:track:1rEkUEBFYEtqDLYaTuElsx
> >    [18-10-07 15:11:13.9511] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::Context::getPlay
> (146) Has spotify://track:1rEkUEBFYEtqDLYaTuElsx been played? no
> ....
> >    [18-10-07 15:14:56.4504] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::__ANON__ (198)
> Got a new track to be played next: spotify:track:1rEkUEBFYEtqDLYaTuElsx
> >    [18-10-07 15:14:56.4509] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::Context::getPlay
> (146) Has spotify://track:1rEkUEBFYEtqDLYaTuElsx been played? yes
> That's an odd one: Spotify seems to tell you to play the same track 
> twice in a row. Therefore Spotty assumes we've reached the end of the 
> playlist. You didn't manually tell it to repeat that track somehow? Or 
> really have the same track in the playlist twice in a row?
> -- 
> Michael

Sorry Michael.
I thought I was being ignored, but I just did not recognise my own log
in your reply. :) 
No, I did not play that track before, but further research seems to
suggest it is indeed the problem with Spotty thinking the same track is
played twice. Apparently because it receives the current track as next
Yesterday I updated to Spotty 2.5.1 (using helper spotty-hf 0.12.0
(auto)), but the problem of stopping albums or playlists remains.

I put a partial log on pastebin of playing the radiohead Kid A album, no
shuffle. Music stopped at the end of track 3, and the log seems to show
that the next track after track 3 was actually the same track. So Spotty

Since nobody else is complaining, and it happens to me all the time,
could there be something with my setup/account that is different or
should be reset?
I already did a clean re-install of the Spotify app on the iPad.
I do see I have 'optimize pre-buffering' on for this log but it happens
also when this is off (that was the reason I turned it on)
Should I further investigate with that option off, or can this not be

Setup is still Spotify IOS app, connect from iPad air 1 on IOS12
Server and squeezelite player on Odroid XU4Q running DietPi 6.17.12.
This happens also when using Spotty to stream to iPeng on my iPhone, so
it appears not player related.

I will turn off optimize pre-buffering again and see what the log says


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