sbp wrote: 
> Would it be possible to have a quick alphabetic scrollbar  (like Orage,
> Squeezebox controller and iPeng have) instead of the A-Z grouping:
> Here is an example:

Possible. But, the issue is that all items are then part of the page -
as in if you have 30000 albums, I'd need to create that many items, with
only the visible currently populated. I'd then have to watch for items
becoming visible, and update. Which in itself is probably not that hard.
However, the scrolling will become slower the more items there are.
Early releases used a library that only added part of the list to the
DOM (i.e. the page), and updated this when scrolled. But this has issues
where some items would not be drawn.

The current A..Z grouping is a work-around for large lists.

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