Where you able to find the problem?

I'm sorry to say I haven't found time to play with this yet. Haven't even un-earthed the Chromecast Audio I should have around somewhere...

Now what I have observed is a very different problem which is, with
large buffers and on-line streaming services, the HTTP connection to
acquire track n+1 can start very early but then stall for a pretty long
time while track n is still being played (client uses TCP flow control
and does not query more data from my bridge). Some services then think
that something wrong happened with track n+1 because you started to GET
it, but then stalled for an amount of time which is way more than the
expected playback duration of what has been downloaded, so they assume
that the client has a problem and then close the connection. Deezer and
RP where identified as some of these

Would you expect this issue to arise with eg. AirPlay, too?


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