slimhase wrote: 
> Yes!
> Only the gnu was missing! :-)
> (in the folder name it was i686-linux-thread-multi-64int and it was
> looking for i686-linux-gnu-thread-multi-64int)
> Its running!
> Thank you so much!
> (I still need to stream to it to test it.)
> Thanks again!

...and it streams w/o stuttering from my iphone to my squeezebox

You were wondering about my use case: 
We are using often a library app to listen to audio books from our
e-library. That stuff plays only on our phones or the PC.
I used to stream that from the PC to a SB but that was clumsy. The I
used bluetooth. Better, but still coupling aso.

Now I can just stream it via Airplay - thanks to your great plugin!

My system: LMS 7.9x on Open Peak Joggler running Roobarbs SqueezePlay
OS; (Library on Synology NAS)
Player: 5 x Squeezebox Classic, 1 x PiCorePlayer on Pi Zero; (1 x
Remote:  1 x Controller; iOS: Material Skin (& iPeng); Android: Orange
Squeeze (& Squeeze Commander); Win: Squeezelite-X
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