Really enjoy using iPeng to control all my music players, and also
streaming to iPhone and iPad. Great software and convenient way set up
playlists, and sync and unsync players around the house. 

After running LMS on Windows and Mac machines for a number of years,
I’ve now moved on to using rPi 3B as server with PiCorePlayer 4.10 and
LMS 7.9.2. Everything works fine and all files play smoothly for SB3,
Boom, and 2 x pCP players with HiFiBerry DACs. However I’m having
trouble playing WMA files only on SqueezePlay and iPeng. Always get
error message “Can’t play File . . . “ even though have installed FFMpeg
libraries on server. 

Tried to enable Play Windows Media plug-in in LMS but get error message
that mplayer not installed. Is that what’s needed to convert WMAs to
play on Squeezeplay and iPeng? Looked for mplayer in  extensions for
piCore, but didn’t find it . . . 

I would appreciate any suggestions on how to correct this problem. 



SB3; Squeeze Boom; rPi 3B - HiFiBerry DAC+; rPi 3B+ - HiFiBerry DAC+
with LMS
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