meep wrote: 
> Those B*std*rds at Amazon keep racing on making new languages available
> and adding features for US skills, but completely fail to extend those
> features to the other languages. There's a slot type available for US
> skills that make searching for album, artist and track titles a breeze.
> (Amazon, after all, have all this info from their product and music
> databases). However, they have for over 12 months now failed to make
> this available to other languages. I know as soon as I roll my own, they
> will come out with it but c'est la vie, as they say.

Welcome back Meep!

FWIW I've spoken in person to two (Amazon) Alexa dev advocates (or
similar) here in London and the response has not been  encouraging. The
first told me to call him some time to chat about the issue (I didn't
bother) and the second a month ago explained that basically Alexa teams
and builds are entirely independent across countries, so the fact that
it's been in the US beta for this long but nowhere else is not

He also said, don't worry too much about what built-in intents and in
particular their slots can and can't hold and that home-made slot types
with lots of data are not far off. This implied (to me at least) that
they results from the Music*Intent slots  haven't been as stellar as
perhaps I'd imagined they were, but then I haven't bothered trying to
build a US skill to find out.

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