danco wrote: 
> Right, that's where I found Archive on 4, I should have known.
> But the item at the top of the list is NOT the latest (February 23rd, as
> the March 2nd has not been broadcast yet). The top item shows as "Some
> Like It Hot". I can't recall if that was the February 16th episode.
> Maybe, because it is not on the iPlayer listing, it has not appeared in
> the Extras listing yet, though it has been broadcast. I'll check later
> on, after another episode has been broadcast.

Extras menus are taken from the web interface in the order supplied by
BBC and since it is from web it is has 30 day content or possibly more
for some programs.  BBC iPlayer uses a XML feed intended for 3rd parties
- it is limited to 7 days.

Podcasts only broadcasts (e.g. infinitie mokey cage) need test version
of BBCiPlayer

I have another release due to fix another few special cases which BBC
called "shortened" so hopefully soon 1.6.4 will be available

There may be other special cases I don't know about which means if you
see a program which doesn't appear on a plugin menu or doesn't play -
yet appears & plays on BBC browser player - please tell me.

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