halasz wrote: 
> I may be wrong but it seems some already are (although perhaps some
> programs just aren't available on listen again).  For example listen
> again for "The Life Scientific" on Radio 4 gives this :.

For some unknown reason, the BBC have made some broadcasted programs
only available as podcasts not available as HDS, DASH or HLS even though
full URLs for DASH and HLS have been provided in the "Listen Again" XML
feed. .  The "Life Scientiific" is one of the few,  other examples
include "Fighting talk " on 5live or when being broadcast "The infinite
Monkey cage".  The LMS BBCiPlayer plugin in 1.6.3 finds the podcast
automagically so user doesn't notice the problem except by looking at
audio format (mp3 vs aac). 

To make a fix to the BBCRadio Applet to automate finding podcasts for
such programs would take too much effort.  I suggest just use the
Mysqueezebox Podcast App and add the BBC podcast URL

>From the BBC "deprecated" note in the "6" URLs - it is likely the
BBCRadioApplet has a limited life and if you really want BBCiplayer
functionality you should consider implementing a small LMS server (e.g.
Raspberry Pi with Picore) but even the BBCiPlayer plugin's lifespan is
not guaranteed.

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