bpa wrote: 
> The info displayed has evolved pover time from Radiovis (now defunct) to
> RadioPlayer to Polling so code has been modified lots of times as well
> as to cope with skipback and the annoying Windows start delay issue so I
> wouldn;t be surprised if there are
> 1.  gaps where the "wrong" info is displayed
> 2. opportunities to to tidy up the code.
> When you changed the check box - did you return to Radio menu outside
> the BBCiPlayer menu or did you stay in the BBCiPlayer menu  ?

I can't be certain, but most likely I had the BBCIPlayer settings open
in a separate tab and switched between that and the default UI as I
tried different combinations of settings. In that case, the BBCIplayer
would have remained open after the last change, until I thought to close
it, possibly much later.

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