left channel wrote: 
> Just received 2.4.21. It does start a bit faster! Is .22 even faster
> than that?

The speed improvements were actually in .21, I just mentioned them in
.22 since I didn't describe .21 because by that time I had already
uploaded .22 to fix the network card missing/not ready issue.

One thing I have noticed on my machines is that selecting a specific
output device is faster than selecting default.  Especially if you
select a WASAPI output device.  That often shaves a half to a full
second off the startup time.  SLX waits to receive a message from the
server confirming that the newly started squeezelite player has
connected before loading the browser page.  Otherwise, the page will
load without the player.  For some reason that response comes a lot
quicker from the server when squeezelite is started with a WASAPI output
device selected.

Previous versions of SLX would wait for this response immediately after
creating the squeezelite process.  I shaved off a few hundred
milliseconds by delaying that wait/confirmation while other stuff is
happening.  This really helps if you are using the multi-room feature
and you are starting up, say, 5 squeezelites.

I also noticed that sometimes retrieving the list of output devices can
take a few hundred milliseconds depending on the devices.  So now SLX
retrieves them asynchronously in parallel while doing other startup
stuff, so when it needs them they are already there.

Lets see, what else.  Loading the browser page seems faster because I
figured out a more precise way of knowing when it is done loading and
ready to be displayed.  I had a nominal timer in there that was sorta
worst case, now I have a better way that saves a few hundred
milliseconds in most cases.

Also, not clearing the cache on startup helps save about a second on
first load.

I don't think I can make it any faster at this point.  Most of the wait
now is dependent on the server doing its thing.  I recently setup a new
Raspberry Pi 4 and it seems a little faster than my Pi 3.  I swapped out
an old ethernet cable and that helped, too.  My Pi4 and Pi3 are actually
faster at serving LMS than my 4-core Xeon Windows Server, go figure.

So for me, when connecting to my Pi4 and using a WASAPI driver for the
output device, I can click on SLX and have the browser screen in about 2
seconds.  About 3 seconds when connecting to the Xeon Windows Server. 
I'm using 1GB wired ethernet.

R Greg Dawson

rgdawson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=65236
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