I'm not sure which forum to post. Hopefully this will suffice. I'm
experiencing problems with Qobuz. The first(and less serious) is the
duplication of albums in FAVORITES/ALBUMS across all of my applications
(Qobuz desktop-iMac/Audirvana 3.5/iPeng/ LMS w/Material Skin plugin).
The duplicate albums are not consistent from one app to the next and
upon re-start they change again. The fact that they differ from one app
to the next seems to point to a problem at the source(Qobuz). Has anyone
else experienced this? Co-incidentally, this problem first appeared
after the 500 favorite limit was fixed. The second and more frustrating
problem is this. After selecting an album to play…an incorrect album is
played. This issue seems to be isolated but easily replicated. I've
flushed the caches on everything, deleted and re-installed each app.
BTW, it is much worse on LMS w/qobuz plugin. Any ideas?

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