pippin wrote: 
> Which iOS version is this? This somehow differs between versions but
> most old iOS versions have either a „purchases“ tab under „Updates“ or a
> first item „purchases“ (again, under updates.
> I can no longer get my iOS 3 devices to connect to the App Store but
> they do throw an error and my iOS 6 iPod won’t boot right now, so I
> can’t really try myself

In the About section, it says Version 4.2.1 (8C148). This is an 8GB
second-generation Touch.

I went back through all my old purchase receipts and found that I had
purchased iPeng v1.0.4 on 12/27/2008! I am sure there were subsequent
updates downloaded automatically over the years.

I filed a support ticket with Apple, but suspect they will laugh at me
:D. And since Classic was kicked out of the Store, they probably can't
help me get the app back in any case.

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