Wrighty wrote: 
> That’s been my experience -  it’s logged in fine on the web browser
> interface but that’s not getting through to IPeng (which then reports
> not logged in)

Again, iPeng doesn’t report that. iPeng doesn’t have any message like
that nor does it know anything about the TIDAL status or how the server
is connected to MySB.

That’s all information sent by the server.
The web interface does a lot of things differently, I think it doesn’t
even have a messaging facility, that’s probably why it doesn’t show
anything, iPeng shows the messages like they would be shown on a
Squeezebox Touch or Radio.

learn more about iPeng, the iPhone and iPad remote for the Squeezebox
Logitech UE Smart Radio as well as iPeng Party, the free Party-App, 
at penguinlovesmusic.com
*New: iPeng 9, the Universal App for iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch*
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