Ron F. wrote: 
> I have been using BubbleUPnP on my Pixel 3a phone, running Android 10,
> for a while now using the LMS UPnPBridge plugin to stream to the phone.
> This has worked quite well, but occasionally, and for reasons I can only
> guess, the phone is picked up by the plugin as a new device - the uuid
> being different. I don't understand why the uuid changes periodically.
> This is annoying because the plugin parameters for the rendering device
> default back to "common parameters" and I have to set them again myself
> back to what I want.
> I note that while the uuid for my phone has changed, the device name and
> MAC address have not!
> OK - would it be possible under such circumstances to inherit the
> operating parameters that were saved for the last device with the same
> name and MAC to the "new" device?

Unfortunately not because they are not unique (for example you can have
multiple software players on a PC). The UUID is really the right
criteria and a Player should not change it when it reboots, it’s really
bad practice IMHO. Can’t BubbleUPnP which is a good application be
configured so?

Envoyé de mon iPad en utilisant Tapatalk

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