philchillbill wrote: 
> This is so strange. There's absolutely no difference in my reporting
> player details during discovery for various types of players. Every
> device has a friendlyName and an endpointId that are derived from the
> 'players ?' response from your LMS. The endpointId includes the MAC
> address of the player so that when you request Alexa to control a
> player, the incoming directive from Amazon containing the endpointId
> allows me to deduce which player to control (in the jsonrpc interface,
> players are identified by MAC address). For some reason, Amazon does not
> like the presence of your player's MAC addresses showing *anywhere* in
> the discovery response. There's no logical explanation for this and also
> no feedback as to why the response is ignored. In a smart home skill, a
> directive comes in to the skill, the skills responds to it and that's it
> - there's no error response returned if the skill response is rejected.
> The recent small change I made to the code adds a hash to the endpointId
> that's unique to your account, just in case there was an endpointId
> collision due to a MAC address collision with another user of the skill.
> That means that the MAC address should no longer be an issue.
> Do you have any other smart home skills in use? There's a 300 device
> limit per Amazon account - you're hardly hitting that are you?

the only skills I have enabled are your full lms skill and 1home
(formerly voxior) which controls my loxone installation - very few
devices are enabled with the voxior (only 19) so not much at all

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