philchillbill wrote: 
> I've sent you a PM with a link to where you can download your JSON
> response. I don't suspect it has to do with the player friendlyNames
> because everybody has one called Livingroom, for example. :cool:

Not resolution.

The list of devices looked good and the json schema validator passed as
expected (the Amazon one is out of date but there is a github pull that
adds in more stuff that allows it to work).

I removed lots of Alexa devices that had been discovered / published via
other skills but had a name clash (*) ... just in case ... but that did
not help either.

* I have "Home Assistant" installed and it can discover LMS devices and
make them appear as switches in Alexa and long ago I experimented with
another skill that could push them to Alexa as Media Players

Paul Webster
Author Radio France (FIP etc) plugin
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