Rnee wrote: 
> Since I use VoIP I have managed to reduce the the volume level when the
> phone rings or making a call.
> Does any one of you have an idea if, and how in rough lines, to restore
> the volume to previous levels after hanging up?

You might be able to pick your way through this and either use a
modified version of the Python script and change it from storing light
brightness to mediaplayer volume or see if the newish functionality in
HA does it for you.


Another way would be to Pause/Resume around the VOIP call - in which
case you would not have to be concerned about the volume (but you would
probably have to remember whether or not the pause was necessary
otherwise a player that was paused long ago would start up at the end of
the call).

Paul Webster
Author Radio France (FIP etc) plugin
Paul Webster's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=105
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=111391

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