
In Spotify in the Artists tab, under an artist, I only see my liked
songs for each album. Under Albums tab I only see albums where all songs
are liked. This is how I’ve setup Spotify behaviour for my old fashioned
way of looking at my music!

In Spotty under Albums I see the aforementioned Spotify albums. 
In Spotty under Artists if I choose an artist with an Album in Spotify
then the first choice, in the subsequent options list, is Albums and
choosing this then displays the album that is listed in Spotify under
Albums. It does not however show the other albums where not all songs
are liked and this is my issue. Is this the expected behaviour?

Probably the same issue is where I choose an artist that does not have
any albums in Spotify under Albums then the Artists option is not
displayed in Spotty, the first option being Top Tracks. 

Sorry I realise the above sounds complicated but I’ve tried to explain
as best I can. If you can decipher the above and can help with
suggestions in either Spotify or Spotty to resolve my issue then I’d be
very grateful. 


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