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Question: Are you interested in IR-over-IP?
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maf wrote: 
> I think I ran into a little problem with the way the ID of IPevents is
> used as part of the URL for triggering those events. Because the ID is
> no URI encoded, characters like space, slash or any umlaut seem to end
> up in the URL on the HTML page. In my case, an umlaut in the ID was no
> correctly rended by the browser and the link did not trigger the event.
> If my assumption is correct, encoding/decoding special characters on the
> controller should help. But what I would like even better is if one
> could keep the ID simple and use an additional caption element of
> IPevent to specify the text displayed on the page.

You're quite correct, SqueezeIR just takes the uri and assumes no
escaping was required.  I spent ages writing regular expressions to
extract the ifo from the url when I now realise that I could have just
used the url.lua class that does it all for me!  I'll look into handling
url's correctly.

You're suggestion of a "simple" ID is also a good one.  Menus have a
separate <caption> element so it makes sense for iroip too.

1xRadio, 2xReceiver, 2xController, 1xSB3, 2xSqueezeSlave, SBS 7.5.3
Inventor of SqueezeIR applet for the Controller
indifference_engine's Profile: 
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