ralphy wrote: 
> Squeezelite tries to open the device using 32bit samples and the
> device/driver responds that the Sample format is not supported so the
> tests fail.
> Add -d all=debug to the command line it might give more insight.
> If not, you will need a squeezelite build that has debug logging enabled
> in the portaudio library to help track down what PA doesn't like about
> the device.
> If you haven't already, set the default format for the device to 16bit,
> 44100Hz in the advanced sound settings.  Also add -d all=debug to the
> command line when testing.

Setting the WASAPI driver to 16/44100Hz as you suggest allows
squeezelite to output successfully, but all audio is stuck at 16-bits.
It's possible that the driver isn't correctly reporting its capabilities
through whatever mechanism portaudio is using. Foobar2000's WASAPI
plugin has no problem outputting to it in 24-bits but not 32-bits. 

Using the WDM-KS driver, I get this:

PS D:\Downloads\squeezelite-1.9.6-1210-win32> .\squeezelite-ffmpeg.exe
-s kraken -o 30 -d all=debug
[14:45:02.416] stream_init:370 init stream
[14:45:02.416] stream_init:371 streambuf size: 2097152
[14:45:02.461] output_init_pa:573 init output
[14:45:02.461] output_init_pa:593 requested latency: 0
[14:45:02.571] output_init_common:350 outputbuf size: 3528000
[14:45:02.571] output_init_common:374 idle timeout: 0
[14:45:02.572] test_open:237 error opening portaudio stream: Sample
format not supported
[14:45:02.572] output_init_common:391 unable to open output device: 30

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