Hi Michael,

thanks for your continous development. I am on a LMS8 (Latest build from
yesterday) and use Spotty 4.01. It's on a Linux Debian 10 System with
Standard Kernel.

I am using Spotify Connect (via App) which works great however I have
some issues to report:

1) I have to tick the Pre-Buffering Option - I am not sure how often
this occurs for other users but here: No chance without this option
2) After about 3-4 songs the Playback stops. I then have to just jump to
the next song in the Spotify APP and it continues to play
3) From time to time my Player is not available in Spotify App. I have
to close the app reopen it (sometimes 3-4 times and than it is available

I have a second Spotify connect device in my network which is in te same
IP Range. This works without any issues so I guess the infrastructure is

I use squeezelite from Ralphy: v1.9.7-1239 and start this with: 

    squeezelite -W -b 3072:4096 -R -u vME:::28 -c 
pcm,dsd,flac,mp3,ogg,alac,wma,aac -r 
44100,48000,88200,96000,176400,192000,352800,384000 -D 0:u32be -d all=debug -z 
-o stereo1 -a 100:3:32:1:2 -p 45

Thanks S


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