I'm using Squeezelite on a Windows machine, connecting to an external
DAC while using Equalizer APO to equalize my headphones. As Equalizer
APO does not allow for WASAPI or Asio, I need to go by the sampling rate
I use on Windows control panel.

I have mostly 16/44.1 files but some are 24/88.2 and some are 24/96. How
should I use the -u option in Squeezelite to resample everything to
96/24, in order to avoid Windows' bad upsampling functionalities? I
guess sox can make a better job out of it (if I'm right and Squeezelite
still uses sox libraries to do this).

I've read here https://ralph-irving.github.io/squeezelite.html but I'm
missing how to instruct to upsample to 24/96. There's all sorts of
instructions to customize how sox upsamples but the instructions are
missing the most basic parameters (or I'm blind...).

Thanks in advance.

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