jlt1947 wrote: 
> No particular issue running it, yet I couldn't say if there might be
> incompatibilities with LMS8 since I've never used your UI before. The
> main feature I like is the statistics, thank you for a very effective
> and intuitive UI. Everything else seems to work fine as far as I can
> tell (as a first time user).
Good to hear. If you notice anything, feel free to report it in this

> Just a note about statistics: your numbers differ from the LMS UI count
> (or Squeezelite-X or Orange Squeeze). Maybe you count an album
> containing N CDs as N versus just 1 ? ...... just wondering .....
Yes, LMS has some built-in heuristics to group CDs as albums (this is
the number you see at the "Library" tab), while the others statistics
are calculated directly from the LMS database, bypassing those

> May I suggest a small improvement (whenever you feel like giving it a
> thought) ?   It would be REALLY good to be able to run and display album
> statistics by top ALBUMARTIST and by top COMPOSER, as well as "Top
> Artists by Album" 
While I agree that this would be useful, I'm currently spending the time
I have for hobby projects of 'this'
and a similar project (i.e. using neural networks for music analysis).
I'll put it on the todo list, but don't hold your breath

> (if I get it right, the philosophy of LMS is to physically handle
> composers as artists, but to logically process them apart). 
LMS defines roles for "contributors" to an album, e.g. artist, composer,
... which I'm currently ignoring for the statistics.

'Various SW' (https://www.nexus0.net/pub/sw/): Web Interface | Playlist
Editor / Generator | Music Classification | Similar Music | Announce |
EventTrigger | LMSlib2go | ...
'Various HowTos' (https://www.nexus0.net/pub/documents/LMS/): build a
self-contained LMS | Bluetooth/ALSA | Control LMS with any device | ...
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